Is It Time for a Glasses Prescription Review?

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Is It Time for a Glasses Prescription Review?

vision is essential, and it’s crucial to take care of it. That’s why regular glasses prescription reviews should be a part of your eye care routine. Eye care professionals advise that you recheck your prescription or glasses fitting position every six months to ensure your glasses are still suitable for your eyes and the correct fit. Glasses that don’t fit properly can cause headaches, eye strain, and other vision problems. By regularly checking your glasses’ fit and prescription, you can maintain good eye health and clear vision.

To ensure that you’re seeing as clearly as possible, it’s also important to perform refraction by an ophthalmologist or optometrist every year. Refraction is an eye exam that determines the correct prescription for glasses or contact lenses. It measures your eyes’ ability to focus light, and your doctor will use the results to determine the right lens power for your glasses. Regular refraction exams can help ensure that your glasses prescription is up-to-date and that you’re seeing as clearly as possible.

For children who wear myosmart lenses, a type of glasses lens designed to slow down myopia progression, it may be necessary to have more frequent follow-ups. The American Optometric Association recommends that children who wear myosmart lenses have close follow-up visits every six months to monitor their myopia progression and ensure the lenses are still effective. Regular check-ups can help identify any changes in your child’s vision and adjust the lens prescription as needed.

In conclusion, regular glasses prescription reviews should be a part of your eye care routine to maintain good eye health and clear vision. Eye care professionals recommend rechecking your prescription and glasses fitting every six months, performing refraction every year, and having more frequent follow-ups for children who wear myosmart lenses. By following these guidelines and keeping up with your eye care appointments, you can help protect your vision and maintain optimal eye health for years to come.

At Bright Vision Eye Clinic, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain good eye health and clear vision. Our clinic is run by ophthalmologists, medical doctors who specialize in eye care. We offer comprehensive eye exams that include a glasses prescription review to ensure that you have the right glasses for your eyes.

We invite all patients who wear glasses to recheck their prescription with our clinic. Our experienced team of eye care professionals will perform a thorough examination of your eyes to determine the correct lens power for your glasses. We’ll also check the fit of your glasses to ensure that they’re comfortable and provide optimal vision. With our state-of-the-art equipment and expertise, you can be confident that you’re getting the best possible care for your eyes.

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